Project Vision

As an enithusm for reading books myself this project is near to my heart,The main goal from this project is to make reading more easy for new readers and more enjoyable for the old guys like me, and by creating this app you can discover New books and order it online.

Kick off

In the design process,I opted for a goal-directed design approach that helped me move along through the timeline smoothly.Qualitative research methods proved to be the most effective during the design process,most notably the user interviews and usability testing sessions.Whenever I encounter an issue that I am trying to solve,it's smart to build a good foundation.In me case,I did this by asking some generic but useful internal questions.

1) Who is our primary audience ?

2) Which users are most important ?

3) Who are our biggest competitors?

4) What are the Challenges we will face moving forward ?

5) Are users willing to use the app ?

6) What do our users need the most in a product like this ?

Preliminary Ideation

I used affinity mapping to identity not only the general scope of the app,but to decide which direction I wanted to take the product.This was a form of brainstorming during the kickoff period that proved to be very helpful in setting up the foundation for the rest of our process.

board image

Research Insights

I analyzed the questions I asked the user earlier in the process, I also contended another questionnaire and asked the users multiple questions, and here are the insights.

30 % of the users said that they would consider using the app.

More than 70 % said that the idea is great.

Meet the users

Key Path Scenarios

Here I have one primary key path scenario, I identified one key path scenario when using our app.The user will experience as while planning to buy a book.

The scope of the product allowed me to focus more on This one path.


Information Architecture

IA for books app

P&P Wireframes

Working through a couple really preliminary skitches is always interesting as you as a designer you can see where is the design is good or not, but in the end after many skitches you will eventually get your goal which is a perfect design for all.

Preliminary Wireframes

This phase is always an exciting one for me as it can enable me to see what the final product will look like, but there is always something to fix even when the product is done.

Final Design.

Style Guide

Choosing the right color is important for every design, because you want as a designer to show your skills and show your identity to people.


This project is so important to me as it's a possible way to show people my skills and share my work with them; to gainexperience and meet new people.