Project Vision

In this project, I wanted to demonstrate to potential employers that I have the skills to build a fully responsive website from the ground up, as well as my expertise in the UI/UX field.


1- Make a responsive website.

2- How to show my skills.

Kick off

I asked myself a couple of questions at the start of this project to determine the foundation of the project, Who is going to use our app? How can I demonstrate my abilities? and how can we make the best impression on the recruiter?

Preliminary Ideation

As with every project, I use preliminary ideation to get to know the user and to make adjustments to the website from their recommendations and that will be a good step forward.

Competitive analysis

After looking at some data online I discovered that many people nowadays use personal portfolios to show thier work,as there is websites as LinkedIn,people are heading to personal websites as a way to show skills and potential.

Meet the users

Information Architecture

P&P Wireframes

In this phase, I didn't have a clear idea of what the website will look like, but I did now when the thing that I need to put my best effort into it, so in a while By doing some sketches your imagination will work and from there you can really have a plan in mind.

Preliminary Wireframes

Creating a high-fidelity frame always brings a smile to the designer's face, as he can finally see that the project he has been working with the team or solo and is getting somewhere, but as always it's not the end yet for any modifications.

Style Guide

Choosing the right color is important for every design, because you want as a designer to show your skills and show your identity to people.


This project is so important to me as it's a possible way to show people my skills and share my work with them; to gainexperience and meet new people.