Project Vision

Sports are a very important activity in our life and personally, I think everyone should at least exercise once a week and with this project, I want to encourage people to go to the gyms and give a good impression about the gyms.

Kick off

In this phase as always, I asked myself a couple of questions and do a couple of usability tests, surveys and it's really helpful as it's a good way to have a good foundation for the future.

1) Who is our primary audience ?

2) Which users are most important ?

3) Who are our biggest competitors?

4) What are the Challenges we will face moving forward ?

5) Are users willing to use the app ?

6) What do our users need the most in a product like this ?

Preliminary Ideation

Getting some sticky notes and a pencil and then start drawing ideas are the most effective way to have ideas as the designer can feel like a user and now his problems and tries to figure it out.

board image

Meet the users

Competitive Analysis

I looked at several potential competing companies, and although none compete directly with my website, they can still infringe on the business' revenue & popularity. my website has an advantage in that it can be opened on mobile and desktop.

The majority of the features between competitiors were very similar, however the main differences that we noticed were:

– Easily Accessible vs Hardly Accessible

– Too Many Screens vs Simplified Interaction

Information Architecture

IA for books app

P&P Wireframes

After sketching out some p&p wireframes and thinking through the preliminary flow, I reviewed what was nessecary, unessecary , and what areas needed improvement. I poured a lot of the time into this step to make sure I had the finishing touches on the underlying UX before moving onto the visuals.

Preliminary Wireframes

Getting to this phase is always a great thing as you see how the final the design would look like and it's very interesting phase as here you can scroll the app and know the feeling as a user.


Here you can acces the code for this app, I did code it using Html,Css,JavaScript,BootStrap (only front-end).

The link for the code Click me

Style Guide

Choosing the right color is important for every design, because you want as a designer to show your skills and show your identity to people.


This project is so important to me as it's a possible way to show people my skills and share my work with them; to gainexperience and meet new people.