Project Vision

As technology is more and more involved in our daily life, things like shopping nowadays are done on mobile phones and with For this project, I wanted to create an app that will directly be helpful to my community.

Kick off

At the start of this project, I asked myself four important questions, Who is going to use our app?,why would they use it? how can our app help them? and how we can give them the best experience possible?, after analyzing the results I found out that many people would like to use the app and the problems they all have in common is that they lack of time.

1) Who is our primary audience ?

2) why would they use them ?

3) How can our app help them ?

4) we can give them the best experience possible ?

Preliminary Ideation

As usual, I use preliminary ideation to know more about our users and to take a general idea of how they feel about the app, and that will make it easier for us to set the foundation of this project.

board image

Research Insights

I analyzed the questions I asked the user earlier in the process, I also contended another questionnaire and asked the users multiple questions, and here are the insights.

30 % of the users found the app useful.

More than 60 % said that having a community for movies is helpful.

Meet the users

Key Path Scenarios

Here we have two primary key path scenario, I identified two key path scenarios when using The app. the user will experience as while planning an to buy a tickets or just to see what is trending.

The scope of the product allowed me to focus more on these two pathways as there aren't any notable validation scenarios other than entering a familiar settings screen.


Information Architecture

IA for books app

P&P Wireframes

Before going through this process, I didn't have a clear idea on how the app will look like and after some drawings,skitches and really hard time.I finally formed a first look at what the app will look like and based on the spark where there for more ideas and that helped as a lot.

Preliminary Wireframes

Creating a higher fidelity but still fairly preliminary version of the wireframes, I was able to workout some of the technical issues that would not be viable , as well as tone down our "blue-sky" screens into more realisitic ones. It was important for me to start big and scale down so that I could work around the features that really wanted to have, rather than working upwards and maybe missing something that would've been really cool to see as a user.

Final Design.

With Notifications

Without Notifications

Style Guide

Choosing the right color is important for every design, because you want as a designer to show your skills and show your identity to people.


This project is so important to me as it's a possible way to show people my skills and share my work with them; to gainexperience and meet new people.